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Ardsley Science Research Program Provides Opportunities for Independent Research

Ardsley Science Research Program Provides Opportunities for Independent Research
Photo of Science Research Students


The Ardsley Science Research Program (ASRP) is a student-centered research program that encourages individual and group scientific inquiry beginning sophomore year. ASRP provides high school students with the structure and support they need to explore original research at a very high level in a topic of their interest.

This serious pursuit of new knowledge provides students with a deep experience of independence, industry, and collaboration. ASRP offers students the chance to complete original research projects on a topic of their choice in the areas of physical science (chemistry, physics, engineering, earth, and space sciences), life science (biology, medicine, and health, environmental science), mathematics and computers, or social science (psychology, anthropology).

The ASRP allows students to participate in authentic, advanced scientific research and scholarship as part of their high school experience. It furthers excellence in performance and achievement while drawing from and developing scientific capabilities. Students taking the course accomplish the following: 

  • Choose and explore a topic of interest and develop research skills using professional databases and other research tools. 

  • Find and study numerous journal articles so that they can explain every detail and its significance. 

  • Write a review article that outlines the background of their topic, the cutting edge of our understanding of it, and the outstanding problems. 

  • Find an expert to serve as a mentor to assist them in carrying out a research project in their area of interest. 

  • Engage in an original piece of research under the supervision of their external mentor and their ASRP teacher. This may be the student’s own project, or the student may assist the mentor in some meaningful manner. If the student works on the mentor’s research, it is the student's responsibility to acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to become a genuine asset to their mentor. Many students eventually know more about their highly focused topic than their teachers.

  • Write a professional research paper, make a slide and poster presentation, and submit their project to science research competitions. Although submission to science research competitions is a requirement, it is not the goal of ASRP. The only goals are quality research and learning.

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