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Summer Wellness: Learning New Healthy Skills Over the Break

Summer Wellness: Learning New Healthy Skills Over the Break

When school's out for the summer, it is a relief to have a break from the strict routines of the school year. However, the summer is a great opportunity to encourage healthy habits so that students stay mentally and physically healthy. Encouraging them to keep physically active not only keeps them in shape but also helps them handle stress now and in the future. Making sure students have plenty of chances to get together with friends can help them build strong relationships. Plus, guiding them to make healthy choices about what to eat, how much to sleep, and how they have fun sets them up for a balanced and fun summer.

We recommend reading this CDC article, Help Kids Learn New Skills to Be Healthy During the Summer.  

Ardsley School District's wellness initiatives foster a holistic approach to student health, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being for students in all grades. Through diverse activities and initiatives, we aim to instill lifelong healthy habits in our students. Physical education classes and sports programs promote regular exercise, while our nutrition education efforts encourage balanced dietary choices. To support mental and emotional health, we offer counseling services and wellness programs and district-wide themed weeks. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of positive social interactions and emotional intelligence, creating a supportive and inclusive school environment. By integrating these elements, our wellness initiative strives to equip students with the tools they need to thrive both in and outside of the classroom.

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