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Summer Professional Development

Summer Professional Development

Throughout the summer break, our teachers and administrators engaged in a wide range of professional development activities, collaborative initiatives and curriculum enhancements that will advance the academic disciplines across all three schools. These efforts demonstrate our commitment to offering high-quality, relevant education and nurturing our educators' ongoing learning and development. 

Our investment in professional development and curriculum refinement significantly contributes to our learning community's overall advancement and success. This commitment aligns with our strategic objectives to promote year-round professional advancement and drive continuous enhancement and progress in all facets of our curriculum.

These are just a few of the 40+ curriculum projects and professional development programs that took place over the summer.


Diving into Multisyllabic Words Grade 3-4 Literacy Intervention Services

Our Literacy Specialists engaged in learning our newest multisyllabic word programs and producing a phonics measure for students receiving an intervention cycle with this area of focus. These programs will help students develop the essential strategies to tackle multisyllabic words across all content areas. Once students have acquired the necessary skills to read and spell the various syllable types and morphemes, they will be better prepared to read and spell longer words. Learning the strategies will also support their word reading, spelling, and understanding of texts. 

Getting to Know FUNdations

Literacy Coach Kim Beames held several sessions this summer to help Concord Road teachers integrate an exciting new word study program in our K-2 classes, FUNdations, to enrich and complement our existing literacy curriculum. After an examination of the curriculum, Concord Road identified a need for a systematic, explicit phonics and word study program and FUNdations filled that need. This multimodal approach to reading, spelling, and handwriting makes learning to read fun for students. The program also establishes the foundation for lifelong literacy through a proven method that aligns with the Science of Reading.



Training - Bridges Intervention Program

CRS Math Specialist team members received comprehensive training on the Bridges Intervention program, which provides targeted instruction and assessment for essential K–5 mathematics skills and concepts. The Bridges Intervention program complements our math instruction and supports students needing additional mathematics help. It is a strengths-based approach that builds on each student’s abilities—starting with manipulatives and then moving to two-dimensional representations and mental images. The teachers also prepared and organized the necessary materials and resources to implement the program this year and provide targeted support to students working or developing numeracy skills and supporting them in accessing grade-level skills.  



MTSS Plan Development  

Last spring, the district MTSS team established four major focus areas for the 2024-2025 school year including professional development, data use, curriculum and assessment, and the implementation of a systematic MTSS plan.  This summer, our team developed the framework for our district MTSS plan, which will be further expanded and refined over the course of this school year to include data-informed processes to track student progress and identify areas for further focus in our curriculum, assessment, and staff development.  The MTSS plan advances Ardsley’s mission to provide responsive, inclusive and connected classrooms that provide every student what they need to thrive academically as well as socially and emotionally.  The team’s work is informed by last year’s Tri-State Consortium recommendations, which provided us with rigorous peer review for the purpose of ongoing improvement in Ardsley.  The staff is excited to increase their use of data to inform excellence in the classroom and in support settings.

Culture of Care SEL Training for Teachers

Teachers and support staff from all three schools participated in Integrative Mental Health and Social-Emotional Learning (IMSEL) professional development. The training aims to improve educators’ social-emotional resources and well-being and support the implementation of school-based approaches that foster students' academic, social, and emotional development. The teachers engaged in a highly experiential learning process that supports the development and practice of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Tier One interventions, in line with NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework.

MTSS - DEI Goals Integration and Implementation

Building on existing work with the NYS CR-SE framework, teachers met over the summer to analyze feedback from the Panorama survey on students' experiences and feelings of belonging in the school.  They discussed the systems that are in place to support our students' needs and made plans for continuing to address those needs in ways that align with a Multi-Tiered System of Supports approach which promotes a sense of well-being and academic achievement for all students.  Specific resources were created to support teachers' implementation of plans, and goals were set for the creation of systems and learning opportunities for students to feel welcomed, affirmed, and centered in school.

RULER SEL Curriculum 

The RULER Team created training sessions for CRS teachers and staff on an important topic: helping students regulate their emotions. Studies say that students who understand and manage their emotions do better in school. The RULER training sessions on emotion regulation include a review of the RULER anchor tools (Charter, Mood Meter, etc.) as well as strategies for implementing the “Metamoment” (the RULER calming protocol) with students. Additionally, the team developed a map outlining the implementation of RULER with students for the school year, along with plans for further implementation. The RULER SEL program is a Tier 1 MTSS social-emotional, behavioral curriculum. CRS teachers and staff utilize this program to help students develop emotional intelligence skills, practice positive classroom behaviors and interactions with peers, and make better decisions.

PD Series Development: Creating Welcoming, Inclusive, and Affirming Student-Centered Learning Environments at the Secondary Level 

A group of secondary teachers collaborated on developing a series of professional development workshops: Creating Welcoming, Inclusive, and Affirming Student-Centered Learning Environments at the Secondary Level. The team discussed the vision for the series and created specific plans for each session. The sessions will include content around School Climate and Culture, Identities and Privilege, English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners, Educating Students with Special Needs, Supporting LGBTQ+ Students, Mental Health Education Literacy and Leveraging a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to improve outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse students.



Computer Science Curriculum Development (Middle and High School)

Brandon Milonovich and Alex Carballo developed an integration plan for the NAO Robot into the Middle and High School computer science courses. Adding the NAO will enhance the programming curriculum and technology club activities to give students a better understanding of robots in real-world scenarios. It will simultaneously support student development in the NYS Standards for Computer Science & Digital Fluency that are expected to be implemented by all school districts across the state by 2024. The AEF funded the N

New Course for HS Ecology

Scott Pollard developed the curriculum, labs, projects, materials and exams for a new Ecology course, expanding the AHS science electives offered to juniors and seniors.

This new course will provide a deeper understanding of the interdependence between people and nature, which is crucial for food production, maintaining clean air and water, and sustaining biodiversity in a changing climate. Students who choose to take Ecology will have the opportunity to explore a new area of study, develop new interests and abilities, and explore potential career paths.

CRS/AMS Science Investigations

AMS and CRS Science teachers worked together to discuss the continued implementation of the Elementary-Level Science (ELS) Investigations in grades 3-5. The Investigations are hands-on laboratory experiences that help students prepare for the written Elementary-level Science Test (administered in 5th grade to all students), which measures the NYS Science Learning Standards. This included best practices for administering, scoring, and applying the investigations at the elementary level.



Clay Metal & Jewelry Design

AHS Art Teacher Stephanie Rosen developed the curriculum for the new Clay Metal and Jewelry course to teach and engage students in various projects utilizing clay metal. The course encompasses diverse projects utilizing clay metal for jewelry creation and includes lessons on beadwork, wire wrapping, mosaic, polymer clay, paper, and recycled materials. This addition significantly enriches the Art Department's offerings, providing students with additional experiences in skills and materials in art education. The initial pilot for the jewelry program in last year's Studio Art course was made possible through funding from the Ardsley PTSA and Ardsley Friends of the Visual Arts (AFVA), which was used to acquire the essential larger equipment needed for the class. 

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