Live Streaming of Opening of Budget Vote and BOE Election Ballots Process - June 16, 2020
The Governor's Executive Order No. 202.25 mandated that the school district vote and election be held remotely by absentee ballot only. The Ardsley Board of Education would like to give the public the opportunity to view the opening of the ballots, and therefore, we are live streaming here. The opening of the ballots commenced at 5 pm on June 16, 2020.
Follow this link for the live streaming.
2020-2021 Approved BOE Budget
Budget Vote/Election Information
The rescheduled date of the Annual Meeting of Ardsley School District's Election/Budget Vote is June 9, 2020, via absentee ballot. Follow this link for information.
The budget totals $72,970,234 and reflects a .86% budget increase and a 2.66% tax levy increase.
2020 Ardsley School District Budget Newsletter
2020-2021 Recommended BOE Budget
2020-2021 Budget Development